Let’s Create a

Competitive Strategy Together

Competitive markets demand you stay ahead of your competition.  We can help gain the edge you need.



Product &

Service Evaluation

Your customers can provide one of the most direct ways to receive feedback about your product or services.  They can tell you what they do or don't like about your products and tell you what else they believe the products and services should include.


That's great, and your marketing team is probably already doing that.  The trouble is that the information comes after the customer has already purchased and does not increase your market share.


Comparing your offerings against your competition can, however, give you better insight.  This type of understanding can, in turn, help you position more effectively, differentiate your feature set, or show better value.


Galileo's Consultants can show you where your products and services have gaps and where they out-perform.


& Alliances

One of the most cost-effective ways to provide more "feet on the street" without the expense of growing your sales force is to develop partnerships or alliances.  Companies that are either complementary to yours or are in markets you do not yet serve provide a great path to new customers. Many large organizations may have people or even entire groups dedicated to managing partner relationships.


Galileo helps you determine which companies would provide the best opportunity and develop a plan and tools to create those new linkages. We also help you manage those relationships, so your current resources don't have "one more thing" piled on to an already full plate.

Competitive Market


Virtually all marketing organizations do a competitive analysis of some sort. There are tools, databases, and industry analysts that provide a wealth of information. That's great. But sometimes, even those resources leave you with more questions about your competition than you had before. Especially how their products, sales force, and even support organizations perform.


We've experienced that in our careers in marketing too.  Some of us on the Galileo team had the good fortune to experience working for different companies in the same industry.  One thing that struck us at each company was the perception, or rather mis-perception, of their competitors.  Competitive products, the sales force, and support organizations were either performed exponentially better or worse or even cost a lot more or less than their own.  Most of these perceptions had little to do with fact.  We provide you insights that are fact-based and actionable.


Our consultants review your current strategy and make recommendations specific to your companies needs.  We consider many factors, such as industry trends, market dynamics, local and geographic conditions.  We can help you modify or develop your marketing plan to ensure you have a proper competitive perspective.

Schedule Your Complimentary

Marketing Consultation Now

Galileo Consulting is here for you.  Please contact us to find out you can have the information about the competition that you need.  The consultation is free.

Why do you need another marketing advisor?

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Sometimes, it takes a different viewpoint to set your course correctly.  Galileo helps ensure you are headed in the right direction, giving you the confidence that your decisions are reasoned and well-grounded.


In today’s uncertain economy and a continued drive for growth, organizations are looking for new ways to either get a competitive edge or attain a broader market share.

Most marketing departments provide strategy and messaging for their direct sales groups. By and large, this is a successful way to promote your organization and its products and services.

When used in conjunction with traditional marketing methods, tactical marketing methods provide more focused market penetration, support of the sales organization, and more avenues to promote your company. Our staff of successful and experienced consultants provides you with the opportunity to create new and unique channels to drive your business.



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